How To Do 2014 Link Building and Link Prospecting Outreach (NOW)

As you may have suspected this post is not really about building links the 2014 way right now, no really you haven’t fallen for that have you? 😀 after all the Spring of 2013 isn’t even here yet, Googlers don’t know what Google will look like in twelve months time, nor do I of course, (twelve months or ten, in Internet time is bordering on the definition of eternity).

I’m inclined to think that link building then will be best done the way it’s done now, and that is:
DO NOT Build Any. If you want some cutting edge link building spamming tips you best go elsewhere and look for those, best of luck, yours sincerely!

NO Link Building Strategy Link Graph
NO Link Building Majesticseo Link Graph

NO Link Building Strategy

Just to clarify I’m not just advocating this no link building approach because it became popular since Penguin. There’s been a few and only a few people advocating that approach for a long time I’ve just chosen to learn from them and above all from my own experience, than to follow the crowd and do what the vast majority do and actually believe that’s Optimal or SEO Search Engine Optimisation, Optimism maybe.

So after over two years and over thirty posts the time has come to write my first post on link building. The more I don’t link build the more I feel you and everyone else should do it, I’ve seen a raft of London SEOs including some so called industry leaders rank quickly for top industry terms that cost near £10.00 per click on AdWords and then soon after their sites are nowhere to be seen, it’s obvious what happened, there’s a Penguin eating websites fattened up with artificial link profiles.

How To Do Link Prospecting Outreach

I’m going to use a random example of utter nonsense that comes through to my inbox more often than I’d like my Gmail spam filter to allow. Emails like this are not outreach, they’re more like out of this world.

Below is a modified email I got today on another site, that I pretty much stopped wasting my time with, it served its purpose and is a playground to test WordPress plugins and other stuff, gets a few visitors a day and a few AdSense clicks a month on a good month.

The site is about affiliate marketing and voucher codes, I could easily have a link from my other site with filthy rich anchor text to this site, I don’t know something like: The Awesomest SEO in Central London, Andromeda and anything in-between or what have you, the reason I don’t do that or include any other link from that site to this one, is because my assessment of that site is that it is… not very good.

I don’t want to pollute this site with low quality links, that’s it period! Even when I own the other site and could easily justify a link from an affiliate marketing site to an SEO site.

Yet there’s Harry and many other Harries doing link building outreach to that site from all sorts of unrelated sites, such as carrot dangling acrobatics, stick spinning methodologies and other placebos.

So without further (a)ranting here it is the mail from dear Harry.
Harry you’re mail is now in Google’s Gmail spam filter, congratulations on a Monday well started!

I was wondering if it would be possible to suggest a link for your website at;

Our site (name removed is a road travel reporting website, that provides our users with the most up-to-date road traffic information. Our data is updated every 5 minutes using sensors placed on motorways and common A / B roads.

I feel it might be a useful resource for your readers.
Many thanks for your consideration.

Kind Regards,

Really Harry, is that the best you’ve got?
Do you really believe that a link to a weather site in the contact page (of all places, why on the Milky Way?) of an affiliate marketing website is:

Q – Relevant to your weather site?
A – NO! NO!
Q – Will help my users when they’re on the contact page?
A – Yes, that will be very helpful Harry!

It’s crucial for anyone to know whether it’s raining or shining outside right before hitting the send button on the contact page form. It is a well known fact that thunder, drizzle and the SMTP protocol don’t mix, so it is imperative to hit send only on a clear day or mail will not be delivered until the weather conditions change.

How Important Are Links In 2013

Let’s see; if Google is to have their “Google+ Is Google Itself” way, links in 2013 are less important than in 2012 and more than in 2014. There’s a trend there and I’m willing to eat my Sunday hat should that not become so.

There are a few sources below where you can learn more on how not to build links properly.

Link Building Means Earning “Hard Links” Not “Easy Links”
Why SEO Link Building Strategies Look More Pathetic Than Ever

To conclude links are still important and likely will be for some time, just not the ones you build.

Watch the presentation above from Ian Lurie, seems a very good way to end this post.

Haaa and no, I do not have a Sunday hat just in case!

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